Saturday, January 2, 2010

Back to Basics

When it's sleeping time I usually know they are not hungry or thirsty, and so I assume they are crying for no good reason and usually I get upset. Then my husband comes along and gives them teething tablets, Tylenol or gripe water and magically the crying stops. Me, I'm standing in the corner slapping myself on the head thinking, "Why didn't I think of that? It was so simple!"

We usually get into habits when the boys go through phases. When they were little we always gave them gripe water when they couldn't sleep because they spit up a lot and always had the hiccups. When they were teething we'd give them teething tablets or Tylenol. Then slowly the phase ends and I, for some reason, forget medicine exists.

The other night my big boy decided he didn't want to be asleep anymore at 3:00 in the morning. Slowly my husband and I started to loose our tempers. We even remembered to try the teething tablets, the Tylenol and the gripe water. I wished I was in a state to comfort my son, but sadly I was not. Finally, after an hour or so of crying, I gave him some watered down apple juice and he went to sleep.

The next morning I woke to find he had a little pebble of a poop stuck in his little bum. I immediately felt the urge to smack my head and exclaim, "Why didn't I think of that? It was so simple!"

All I would have had to do was check his diaper and he probably would have been fine. But neither me nor my husband thought of it because the little poop produced no smell. Therefore leaving my poor big boy in an uncomfortable state for the rest of the night.

I quickly mixed him up a beverage consisting of Karo Syrup, apple juice and water to fight his constipation, and he has returned to his normal happy self.

And Mom and Dad's list of "Basics to Try Before we Get Upset With the Crying Baby" now goes as follows:

-Teething tablets
-Gripe Water or Gas medicine
-Check their diaper
-Give them a drink

P.S. Mixing Karo with water works for newborns who have pooping issues. We mixed about a milliliter of Karo with two ounces of water when the boys were newborns.

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious. I have so many of these moments and sadly, even as the years go by and the kids get older, I never seem to learn from them. Thanks for reminding me that I'm not the only one out there. :)

    ps. Karo syrup and water, huh? I'll have to try that next time.
