Sunday, November 20, 2011

My new boss sent me a card, thanking my for all I sacrifice to come to work. A gesture that was very much appreciated by me! Along with that he also sent this quote, which I found to be truly inspiring.

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway

If you are kind, people may accuse you of having selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, others may be jealous; Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do it anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in final analysis, it is between you and God; It never was between you and them. . .anyway.

~Mother Teresa

I want to be an honest person. I know discretion must still be practiced. Things don't always need to be said and some people just don't need to know everything. But I still like to know that I have been as honest as I can be. Even when it comes to small things like telling people how I'm doing or saying, "We should get together sometime."

Some may say this is not a world where honesty can reign free. That, in this world, being honest will cost you. You never know who you can trust, and you never know what conclusions people will draw.

I still feel that being honest is the best way to be. I don't want to hide things, or act ashamed. My husband may be the only person that I truly tell every single thing too, but I still feel it is important that I not hide it away, hoping no one will ever see.

Emotions, frustrations, actions are all human. We have all felt them. And having the courage to say, "Yes I did feel that way," I don't think is a bad thing.

I have gotten mostly good reactions from just being honest with people. And I feel better myself as well. I give thanks to Mother Teresa for her words that give me courage to continue being honest in a world that says I can't.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Knowing My Limits

I thought by now I knew my limits. I knew when to call it quits. But when I look around, knowing there's really no way to get relief, it's hard to throw in the towel.

This week has been awful. My husband started clinicals with school, and now has one more absent night of the week. I feel so bad for him. I just can't give him the relief he probably needs. Mostly because we both need relief. He has to wake up early, but always ends up staying up late to help me put the boys to bed, etc. I'm sure he wants to come home and just relax, but he usually comes home to help me rally the troops and get them in line. It's really not fair. Not fair for either of us.

I feel like I've been on my own for this whole week. Though that's only partially true. I've now taken on a new job, luckily the hours are pretty low key, plus I still sub at the school. Even though I only worked two days this week the house is a disaster. And the boys just haven't allowed me to catch up. They all seem to be uncontainable this week, and they keep making uncontainable messes.

I've been yelling in that same voice I used when I was pregnant last summer. I thought it was all because of pregnancy, but now I'm thinking the age between 12 months and 18 months is just plain hard. It sort of feels like limbo. The baby isn't napping like he used too, but still isn't ready for just one nap. He doesn't take bottles like he used to, but still isn't ready to give them up. And the worst part is that getting into the same things over and over is still fun for him.

I thought back to the twins. I thought about how, before they turned 1, everything seemed under control. 6 to 12 months was great. They stayed on schedule really well. The started being able to eat finger foods and hold their own bottles. They were playful and fun, but couldn't get into everything. It was great!

Then came their first birthday, and all was lost. I don't think we really felt back on track until they were able to get down to just one nap a day.

Yes, I've been monster mom. On the verge of feeling like I've totally lost it, and will never find it again. Knowing that I need to calm down, and stop, before I loose control. But unable to find the strength, or patience, to do so.

I hope, for my children's sake, things get better. I've been trying to remember to pray more often. I've kind of lost touch with that lately. And I made a point to have a good family home evening last night. I may have yelled here and there, and got very upset when the twins both pushed their little brother, but I think we still had a good night.

I also found the strength to sit down and do some fun crafts with the boys.

No matter how patient I become I'll always have limits. I guess it's not so bad to learn them. Now, I just need to remember to give myself a time out when I reach them.