From: Mother to Mother, Mother to Father, Parent to Parent
I wish to try and express how truly appreciative I am for all you do for me. There is never a moment in my life where I don't honestly appreciate all the sacrifices you have made for me and my family. I hope you won't mistake my moodiness as a sign of me being unappreciative or angry with you. Most the time I'm just lonely. I miss my husband and I am tired and worn out.
I'm sorry for all the stress we put on you. I know that none of our situations are ideal, and we are partly to blame for making your situation less ideal. We all face hard times and hard emotions. At times we don't understand fully how it feels to be in each others shoes. I forget sometimes that you are a parent just like me. You have struggle with each and every emotion I struggle with. I guess sometimes, as your child, I see you as being strong, so strong that I forget you have your own battles to fight. So much of my life has been spent trying to be less of a burden. When you were stressed I tried so hard to think of ways I could relieve you. I know it may not be believable, but I tried to not be a nuisance. When you spoke of irritating behaviors I tried not to practice those. When you spoke of lack of money I tried to think of ways I could contribute or things I could do without. I know it seems like I go through life selfishly. Only thinking of myself and what I must deal with. But I do try to think about what you must go through too. I guess I haven't been doing much of that lately.
I'm sorry if I have hurt you in any way. When I am hurt I try to find ways to express to people how hurt I am. And by doing that I usually do something stupid and hurtful in return. When I'm hurt I'm irrational and unkind. I'm sorry.
I hope you understand how much I love, and appreciate, all that you do. I love how good you guys have been to me, my husband and the boys. I love that the boys love, and miss, you so much. I'm glad that they have someone like you that they can go to when they feel troubled.
Please know that I try everyday to be the best mom that I can be. It may not look like it all the time but I love being a mom. I love those boys. I may get frustrated with them, but I'd get frustrated no matter what. At least with them I have the motivation to try and become a better person. And I do try. I know that I have been sent special, kind, sweet and obedient children. At times I don't feel worthy to raise such wonderful spirits, and I pray daily that The Lord show me what it was he saw in me when he entrusted me with the title of mother.
I love you always!
Your Daughter,