Monday, October 18, 2010

Family Pictures

I love capturing memories, but why does it have to be so hard. My husband and I arranged a family photo shoot for my side of the family a couple of weeks ago. We got some beautiful pictures, but boy was I a monster all morning. I was yelling at my kids and getting frustrated with the baby- and everything else. My stupid hair wouldn't curl, and I couldn't find anything to wear. Then to top it all off one of the twins sweaters had a spot on it- he just wore it anyway.

So crazy is our lives before pictures that I wonder if it's worth it. I hope future generations can appreciate what I went through so they could enjoy one more photo ;)

P.S. My husband did a great job as our photographer that day!

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE these pictures!!!!!!!
    CRAIG did the photography?!?! WOW that is soo impressive, because he's *IN* the pictures too.

    I love the one you posted (as well as many on facebook as well.) i like how you guys are "together" but separate as well..

    I wish you guys would have got one like the one above, only kaden bumped over to your parents, and that twin bumped over to you guys!
