Monday, November 15, 2010


I had a great idea today. I wanted to make brownies but I knew if I did I would addictive-ly eat the batter and probably feel all guilty and tell myself, "Well I just won't eat a brownie when dessert time rolls around." But then when dessert times does roll around I know I'm going to reach for that delicious brownie. What's a girl to do?

That's when I got my brilliant idea. I'll pop a bag of my reduced fat kettle corn to snack on while I make the brownies. That way I won't be as tempted to snack on the brownie batter. I have to say it worked beautifully. Better than I thought it would. Of course, I did still snick a lick of batter here and there, but I definitely had good self control. I was rather happy with myself.

In the spirit of being a good woman I will include the brownie recipe. It's posted on my new blog.


  1. Congrats on beating the brownie binges- not a foe easily faced :)

    Yesterday my cookie making solution (the problem being that I eat them all)was to take some to the neighbors. Talk about multi-tasking: quality time baking cookies with the kids, a family service project, and a chance to visit and make friends. I even used some of the cookies as incentives for my preschoolers.

  2. I've been giving away my baked goods as well as an attempt to get the temptation out of the house. I even gave away some of our Halloween candy to my parents.
