Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I personally find it fascinating that I hold something in common with a woman such as Mary. Even if it is simply because we are both mother's, who have experienced pregnancy and the joys of bringing a child into the world. Though it is something common among women, I feel a sort of closeness to Mary that I did not feel before.

How this woman rode across the desert, on a donkey, while possibly in third trimester is beyond me. She was blessed with more grace then I shall ever have. I truly and deeply thank her for her sacrifices. What strength that woman must have had. I cannot imagine the heart aches she had to endure.

To Mother's everywhere, Merry Christmas. Children are the greatest gift. They make this time of year all that it is. After all one child, in particular, is the reason for the season.

Here's hoping all of you have a very Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. your christmas card was cute. i like how you wrote it kinda like a news letter with columns... thank you for taking the time to do this. :)
