Monday, January 2, 2012

Dear Katie Herzig. . .

. . .You may not know this but your song "Lost and Found" has profoundly effected me. More so then anyone would think a song could effect someone.

I first heard it on Grey's Anatomy. I thought to myself, "That's a good song!"

Then I started hearing it on the tell end of the We Bought a Zoo trailer. I simply had to hear more of that song. The few seconds on the trailer were not enough. And so began the search.

"This will be easy." I thought. "I don't think I'll have any problems finding this song."

Well I was wrong. I searched high and low. I typed phrases in every form. I looked at You Tube video after You Tube video. I finally went straight to Google. After reading some message boards I finally found it. It was such a relief to click on that video and hear that tune was dying to hear.

I couldn't stop replaying it. It was so inspiring. Even though I didn't know what I was inspired to do, it made me feel like I could do something.

I impulse ordered the CD. I couldn't wait for it to come. It would be a couple days because of the holidays so I tried to be patient. I listened to the song every time I got on the computer. Sometimes I spent way to long on facebook, or checking email, just trying to find something to do so I could keep listening.

The real miracle of the song came later. When I came to the knowledge of something that has caused me more pain than I care to remember. My world was black. There was no up or down. There was no reason or logic. There was only pain. Pain and anger. I wanted to be numb. To not feel anymore. I wanted to stop having to battle all the emotions going through me. My heart was broken. If not for my kids, I would have just wished to die.

I remember waking the next morning wishing the sun hadn't risen. Wishing that tomorrow hadn't come. But I woke up and did my best to carry on through the day.

And then the CD came. Now, getting a CD can be fun and exciting. Especially when you love music. And especially when you're poor. But that isn't the blessing it brought.

I stuck it in a player. I went straight to track 10, "Lost and Found". I took long slow breaths. I breathed in the music and the words. As I exhaled I could feel a little weight from my heart escaping amongst music. I listened to the song over and over. Every time it gave me just enough strength to cope.

It didn't solve my problems, but it helped me to release some of the pain. I look back now and realize what a blessing it was that your CD came the day it did. A small, simple blessing, but a blessing all the same.

If the only purpose this song served was to help me through this trial, in the way that it did, then I assure you your talents and efforts were not wasted. But I also know it has touched many other people as well.

I don't expect this to ever be read by Katie Herzig herself. But I still wanted to put it out there. It truly was a blessing to find this song. As strange as that sounds.

1 comment:

  1. Music is certainly a powerful force. I'm glad this song offered you some solace in your time of need. "Be Still My Soul" was the song that spoke to me when ugly truths tore my reality apart. It still brings a tear of both sorrow and peace when I sing it, though the heartbreak was years ago and the hurt now just a memory. My prayers are with you Sis!
