Sorry I haven't posted in a while. The last 2-3 weeks I've spent working on our home.
We just bought a house and we were able to start moving in on October 15th. We decided to use the first week to paint. Everyday for a week I'd pack the boys up after lunch, go pick up my nephew from school and head to the house to paint. It's exhausting living in between houses with twins. We tried to be smarter about things this time. We bought a box of cereal and a can of formula just to keep at the house. Last move we made we never had food when we needed it because mom didn't plan things very well. We kept their playpen at the new house too, so they wouldn't miss any naps. And we eventually brought over a humidifier since they both decided to be sick the week we needed to paint.
Even with all this planning we still had some fun events.
-One day I left my purse in my mom's car, so my car keys and everything went to work with her. I realized this about 20 minutes before I had to pick up my nephew from school. My parents don't have a land line at their house(that's were I was currently staying)so I had no way to contact anyone. The only way I could get my nephew from school was to walk, but my car had the stroller in it and I had no keys. So I put the boys in their seats threw them in my old red wagon and began walking to school. I thought I had left my phone at the new house so I figured I would head there after I picked up my nephew. I got to the house only to find I had no phone. I guess I'd just wait there till my husband realized where I was. I started painting and the boys got fussy so I gave them their juice. I continued to paint. The boys got fussy again. I realized it was their nap time. I picked up my little boy and he was soaked from his juice. There I was in a freezing cold house(we hadn't had the gas turned on yet), with a boy in soaked clothes and no backup outfits.Plus I only had two blankets for each baby. I stripped him and tied two receiving blankets around him like a toga and wrapped him in a third blanket. I began to panic a little. I didn't even know what time it was. I decided to head to the neighbors to use their phone. I got a hold of my Dad. And minutes after calling him Craig showed up to save me.-
-We also had an unexpected arrival.
Our dog, who was pregnant when we got her. Decided to give birth at 10:00 on Monday night. The second one got stuck on her hip bone and my husband and I spent a few nerve wracking minutes trying to play "vet". We popped the sack so the puppy could breath but it was still stuck. We pulled and pulled while mommy winced in pain. And finally my husband turned the puppy and it slid right out lucky to be alive. If I could remember which puppy it was I'd surely name him lucky, but they all look the same. I have to say I was rather happy when that second one came along. We thought she might only have one and I thought to myself, "There is no way that dog is having a smaller litter than me!" She ended up with three adorable puppies that my parents graciously cared for while we painted our house.-
My parents were nice enough to take the boys each night and put them to bed while my husband and I stayed up and painted.
Then my husband's parents were nice enough to come and help us haul everything over from the storage unit that weekend.
I kept my cool for a good long while. But on Tuesday I totally lost it. I called my husband completely frantic. I couldn't stand living in a jumbled mess, tip toeing around boxes and such, with the babies anymore. It was too hard! Sadly a dysfunctional shower curtain rod is what made me snap ;)
Friday I had another blow out. I was in a good cleaning mode when the boys woke up from their nap. Since they can hold their bottles now I decided to try my infant feeders. They're like bottles only you put baby food in them. My big boy really enjoyed his and worked it beautifully. My little boy just does not like new things. He kept crying and crying and crying. I got so frustrated with him, and somehow baby food ended up spattered all over the room. I'm still not sure how that happened ;)
Things started to calm down, but my little boy wasn't used to his new house yet(plus he was cutting a tooth), so he'd cry hysterically each night at bedtime, and every morning at 6:00. It was almost like he was throwing a tantrum. I would give him teething tablets, but he would still keep crying. I might be a horrible mom for it, but I just let him cry. Sometimes he would cry for over an hour. Of course, it would take less time if I could be somewhere where I couldn't hear the crying. That way I wouldn't get frustrated and start throwing a tantrum of my own(The old saying is true, "If mom ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"). It took 2 or 3 days of this but now he sleeps peacefully until about 9:00 or 10:00, and he goes to bed really well too.
We finally got the house looking like a home, and we ended the week by hanging up some pictures and putting our Halloween decorations.
It's a fun and stressful time, but I'm so happy to have a nice place where my kids can grow up.