Yes it's been a month already since we welcomed our third son into the world- it's a little over a month now. And it was a rough month at that.
The first week was calm and easy. With the twins staying at Grandma's one baby didn't seem hard at all, and we hadn't noticed his sensitivity to formula yet.
The second week got a little rough. We started to notice he had gas and switched him to a formula for fussiness and gas. We didn't realize how well it was working until we switched him back to regular formula.
As the third week rolled around he seemed to be fussy all the time. He'd only sleep for an hour. You had to sit and rock him and hold his binkie in, and he was starting to throw up all over.
As we ended the fourth week life seemed better. But then again my husband had just spent a week home. As soon as he left the baby got fussy, the boys made messes and I couldn't get a minute just to put a load of laundry in.
Now we're here. You know how they talk about the calm after the storm? I guess that's what this is, and I'm so glad it finally came. Sometimes I break down, freak out, loose my temper and go crazy for a day. But then after that I seem happy and fine. Well instead of my break downs and freak outs only lasting a day they seemed to last a month. Every once and while I'd get an hour of calm after the storm, but it wouldn't last for long. But for the last two days I feel content, happy and a little relaxed again.
The baby gets more beautiful everyday- that probably sounds like a weird way to describe a boy, but he really is a pretty baby and he's just so nice to look at. He is definitely my husbands baby. My husband adores him, and I can tell they have a special bond.
The twins didn't make this month very easy either. They seemed to be very winy and they were always getting into things they weren't supposed to. They'd sleep in their beds really well one night and then the next night they'd keep getting up to play with toys. They were starting to really frustrate their mother with their crying and their messes. But now they seem to be happier too. And they are actually starting to play with one another, and show affection towards each other- as opposed to hitting and biting each other. From 12 months to 18 months has been the hardest with twins so far- at least for me- but now it looks like it will start getting better.
I have to say having two baby's the same age is definitely easier then having two babies very close in age. So all you ladies with Irish twins, my hat goes off to you ;)