. . .and I'm a facebook junkie.
OK, I have a lot of addictions, or just habits of over usage. Like, for instance, I can's stop using emoticons-- I'm just so nervous about written word getting misinterpreted and emoticons help. . .sometimes. I'm also way abusive of the words "awesome" and "amazing"-- I really need to expand my vocabulary. And lets not even mention the word "seriously"-- or lets do because I'm sure it will show it's face multiple times in this post alone.
However this post is about my facebook addiction.
Seriously-- told you so--It's so true. Why can't I leave that little blue squared app on my phone alone? I have so much on my plate right now, and yet some days I'm checking my page every 30 minutes. When my notification numbers start to drop well then I think of something else I can post. Yeah, it's kind of sad.
So why do I do it? I'm not altogether sure. One would think it was boredom, but what do I have to be bored of? I have school. I'm starting my own cleaning business. I'm making serious life changes. I have four kids under the age of four and a household to take care of.
Do I hunger for attention? Now, lets be honest. Of course I want attention! Who doesn't like getting attention? And yes getting attention is part of my facebook addiction, but it doesn't quite hit it on the nose.
Could it be my kids are just too darn cute? My kids do have habits of saying, and doing, particularly cute things. And while I'm a fan of showing off my cute kids, I also just want to get it written down so I can remember. So yes, that plays into my addiction as well.
But the real reason for my total a complete immersion into the facebook world is-- drum roll please-- social interaction. I just love talking to people. I love getting their opinions on my thoughts. I just love having a little access to a somewhat adult world, where adult conversations have the potential of taking place. I'm just such a talker. I'm always wanting to bounce ideas and thoughts off of people. I don't think all the girls nights in all the world could satisfy my need for talking. Which is why facebook is a terrible thing in my life. I literally want to talk about everything. Every action I do I think, "Would this make a good status update?" Like I said, "It's kind of sad."
Now, I'm a firm believer that, in most cases, you can find good and bad in all things. So I won't say facebook is all bad when it comes to my life. I love staying in touch with people I otherwise wouldn't be able too. I love seeing them experience all the joys, and big events life has to offer. I love how well I can advertise for my business-- I could always use more followers :) just look up The Sassy Cleaning Lassy. And really I love that I can have some sort of an outlet. I love that when I'm having a rough time, or a bad day, I can write a little note on facebook and next thing I know two or three friends are relating to my experience-- and maybe once every new moon someone says something that just makes me mad :). When I can find people who can relate I feel less alone. I feel like I'm not just a hopeless case or a lost cause. That what I'm experiencing is normal, and I can pick up the pieces from here.
But meanwhile, while I'm trying to get attention, fishing for compliments or just simply looking for some adult conversation, I'm probably driving all my friends crazy with my multiple posts about nothing. So I apologize. I try to limit myself to one status update a day. I'm also trying to restrict myself to only checking my page after I am done with my reading for my class. I've also been making an extra effort to actually get all the things done in a day that I need to. Which doesn't always work because I'm usually left with no time to even eat when this happens.
So I'll keep trying to conquer my little addiction, but while I'm on the road to recovery please bear with me. :)